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About Bullying

Bullying Prevention

Red circle with line through the word %22Bullying%22



Red arrow pointing down: %22Scroll Down to make an anonymous report of bullying%22



The Bertie County Board of Education is committed to providing a nondiscriminatory environment that is conducive to learning and provides every student and employee in the school system with a safe and orderly learning/working environment. 



 BULLYING is any (repeated) pattern of gestures, written, electronic, or verbal communications, OR any physical act or threatening communication that takes place on school property, that:

 1) Places a student or school employee in actual and reasonable fear of harm to his or her person, or damage to his or her property; OR

2) Creates, or is certain to create, a hostile environment by substantially interfering with OR impairing a student's educational performance, opportunities or benefits.

  • A HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT means that the victim subjectively views the conduct as bullying, AND
  • The conduct is objectively severe or pervasive enough that a reasonable person would agree that it is bullying.



  • Tell someone you trust about it. (Or, if it is easier for you, write that person a note instead.) People you might want to tell are parents, teachers, principals, etc.
  • If the person you told cannot help you or does not do anything, FIND SOMEONE ELSE!
  • Never keep being bullied a secret.
  • Try not to let the bully see you upset.
  • Avoid areas where the bully feels comfortable picking on you (for example, places where teachers cannot see you).
  • Try to surround yourself with friends and people who will stand up for you.



  • Bullying takes at least two people -- the bully and the victim.
  • Bullies enjoy feeling strong and superior.
  • Bullies enjoy having power over others.
  • Bullies like to create chaos and confusion in the school.
  • Bullies show no respect for others.
  • Bullies use their power to hurt other people.