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Filing A Formal Grievance or Complaint


Dear Parents and Students,

Ensuring a fair and transparent learning environment is paramount to our commitment to education. If at any time you feel the need to address concerns or grievances, we want to assure you that a structured grievance process is in place.

Your rights in this process include:

  1. Fair Treatment: Every grievance will be treated with fairness, impartiality, and confidentiality.

  2. Timely Resolution: Grievances will be addressed in a timely manner, and you will be informed of the progress and resolution steps.

  3. Access to Information: You have the right to access information related to the grievance process and any decisions made.

  4. Appeal Process: If dissatisfied with the resolution, there is an appeal process in place to ensure a thorough review.

  5. Non-Retaliation: No one will face retaliation for filing a grievance or participating in the grievance process.

We encourage open communication and collaboration to resolve any concerns. For more details on the grievance process, please refer to our School's Grievance Policy Link, below:

Policy Code: 1740/4010 Student and Parent Grievance Procedure

Parent and Student Grievance Form

Together, we can create a positive and supportive learning environment!