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Teacher Evaluation Process

NCEES Orientation

A required part of NCEES (North Carolina Educator Evaluation System) is an orientation led by school administrators during the first 10 working days of the start of school.  (Keep in mind also, that this orientation must be completed for Late-Hire teachers during the first 10 working days of their start date.)

The orientation includes:

1.  Rubric for Evaluating Teachers

2.  State Board Policy EVAL-004:  "Teacher Performance Appraisal Process"

3.  Evaluation Schedule for the School Year (Determined by individual school administrators in accordance with the BCS Evaluation Calendar.)

State Board of Education Policy EVAL-006:  "North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards"

NC Teacher Evaluation Process Manual (Updated May 2015)

North Carolina Educator Evaluation System Wikispace

This site includes the Evaluation Manuals for teachers, principals, and support staff, as well as many additional resources to aid in understanding and using the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System.

Mandatory NCEES Training for Late Hires (Self-Study)

The above link directs you to a copy of the PowerPoint presentation late hires are required to review (with the Principal) as their training on the evaluation system.  Any teachers hired after July 24, 2017 who have not previously taught in North Carolina are required to complete this training.  This training must be completed before any teacher observations are conducted.  (Note:  Principals will need to follow this training with the required TNL Orientation.)

Verification of Completion of NCEES Training

This form must be completed for any teacher who completes the training after the district's annual training. Submit the completed form to the Human Resources Department within one week after completion of the training.