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BCS Substitute Teachers

How to become a Substitute Teacher for BCS


Thank you for your interest in substituting for Bertie County Schools.  When people are employed to substitute as elementary or secondary teachers, they are making a commitment to our students, staff, parents and community.  Our elementary and secondary schools throughout the county depend on the availability of substitute teachers.  Applications are accepted throughout the year. 

Instructional Substitute Requirements:

  1. You must fill out an Online Application (
  2. Submit a Copy of your Effective Teacher Training Certificate or completion of Bertie County Schools Substitute Teacher Training Course
  3. 1 Character Reference Letter
  4. Principal Recommendation Click Here--> 8-Hour Volunteer Form
  5. Satisfactory Background Check (please complete this form and return to HR via email or by attachment to your application)

Process to Become an Instructional Substitute:

  1. Submit a completed application packet (#1-5 above) to BCS Human Resources Department for review. (Incomplete application packets will not be considered.) If you have not substituted within the last year, you will need to complete the $19.00 Refresher Course in App-Garden.
  1. Once the requirements have been satisfactorily met, the candidate must contact a school principal to volunteer for a total of 8 hours (#4). The candidate must return the signed form prior to submission to the personnel report.
  1. Those who have successfully completed all of the above requirements (including a satisfactory background check) will be contacted by Human Resources.
  1. Online substitute teacher training is provided through App-Garden University. (There is a $29 fee for this training, and it must be completed prior to substitute teaching for Bertie County Schools.)

NoteIf at any time during the process an applicant becomes disqualified, he/she will receive notice in writing from the Human Resources Department.

(Any certified person who has been retired for more than five years must complete an observation.)

Applications remain on file for one (1) year.

*Please note that all employment with Bertie County Schools is contingent upon a successful background check.