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North Carolina State Improvement Project (NC SIP)

North Carolina State Improvement Project (NC SIP)

Improving Instruction for Students with Disabilities

The North Carolina Improvement Project provides personnel developmemt and program support services to significantly improve the performance and success of students with disabilities in North Carolina.

Improving the teaching of students with disabilites is a major focus of NCSIP. There is clear and extensive research evidence supporting our belief that the vast majority of students with disabilites can read and write, as well as demonstrate math skills on grade level IF appropiate, research validated instructional and learning techniques are effectively employed. 

The growing NC SIP network includes the following LEA based centers and sites:

  • 91 NC SIP research-based sites that focus on reading and writing instruction
  • A growing network of sites focusing on Early Literacy
  • 52 research-based mathematics instruction sites
  • Over 400 school buildings providing school-wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Support


  • NC SIP staff will increase their capacity to provide leadership, professional development, coaching,  and supports to participating districts, teachers, and families on leadership and effective reading,math, and content literacy instruction.
  • District and building administrators will have the skills to develop, implement, and evaluate district  plans that support the improvement of core content instruction and achievement of students with  disabilities in their districts.
  • Teachers and administrators will have the skills to effectively implement research-based reading,  math, adolescent literacy and co-teaching instructional practices for students with disabilities in the K-12  classroom, which will lead to increased student engagement, student generalization of skills, academic  achievement, and family engagement.

  • Pre-service teachers and in-service administrators enrolled in partnering IHEs, will have the capacity  to effectively implement and support research-based reading, math, adolescent literacy, and co-teaching for students with disabilities. 

nc sip