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Behavior Support Services

"Success is not measured by the heights one attains, but by the obstacles one overcomes in it's attainment". - Booker T. Washington

Bertie County Schools Exceptional Children’s Program is proud to serve our community by providing Behavior Support Services to assist our staff and students in the following ways:

  • Collaborate with school personnel, family members, and community resource agencies to build natural support
  • Provide training as identified by school teams that focuses on building capacity in the areas of behavioral prevention and intervention
  • Provide in-class observations and feedback to teachers on the development and implementation of behavior strategies
  • Assist in the collection of school disciplinary data to develop Functional Behavior Assessment and BIP process
  • Collect data and assist with on-going evaluation of behavior, behavior modification recommendations, and/or development of alternative solutions to suspensions
  • Provide staff development training for “NonViolent Crisis Intervention/CPI
  • Provide parent training and workshops specific to disability

"Assisting students to reach their full potential."


Behavior Support Department : (252)794-6055