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Parent & Family Engagement

First page of the PDF file: involvement-guide
Title I Part A: Parent & Family Engagement

What is Parent & Family Engagement? 

Parent  and family engagement eocompasses parents and school personnel working together at the classroom, local, and system level to support and improve learning, development and health of chidlren and adolescents.

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Section 1116 Parent & Family Engagement provides  guidance regarding implementation.

ESSA Section 1116

Parent Advisory Council 

Districts and schools must collaborate with parents as equal partners.

Schools must include parents on their school teams as key decision makers.

Districts must also comprise a district Parent Advisory Council.

The Parent Advisory Council is representative of the schools, student body, and community.

Key planning and decisons are made by these key stakeholders.

In order to be a part of the Parent Advisory Council, you may be recommended by the school leadership, invited by a council member or you may join based upon your interest.

All parents and stakeholders are welcome!


For more inforamtion, please contact:

Dr. Steven Howard

(252) 794-6058