Homeless Education
Welcome to Homeless Education
Lisa Phillips - State Coordinator for Homeless Education
Serve web site address link: https://hepnc.uncg.edu/
Dr. Steven Howard - Homeless Liaison for Bertie County Schools
MckInney Vento/Homeless Education Handbook
Mckinney Vento/Homeless Application
There are times in which families and children may experience instability or other difficulties in regards to housing. It is our goal to ensure that in these types of situations that the educational rights and services of the school aged youth are continued.
Under the McKinney Vento Act, a school aged youth is considered homeless if they live in one of the following conditions:
- A shelter
- A motel
- Vehicle, trailer, or campground
- Doubled up with relatives
- Other inadequate conditions
A school aged youth who is considered homeless has the right to.....:
- Attend a public school no matter where they live or for how long,
- Continue in school they attended before homlessness, or the last school attended, if that is feasible,
- Receive trasportation to and from school,
- Enroll in school without a permanent address. School cannot require proof of residency that may delay school entrance,
- Enroll and attend classes while the school arranges for a records transfer,
- And enroll and attend school of choice even when in dispute resoultion.
1. A referral is made to school.
2. The school counselor/social worker assits with referral form and verification process. Student support services are notified ( cafeteria, transportation, and etc.).
3. Referral is sent to the liaison for further verification and processing.
4. Family is contacted in regards to the referral.
Numbers of Homeless Students:
2016-2017 : 6
2017-2018 : 7
2018-2019: 8
2019-2020: 7
2022-2023- 34
2023-2024: 22