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Bertie County Schools Logo

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Child Nutrition

Mission: Bertie County School Nutrition Program is committed to providing wholesome, nutritious, appealing meals in a pleasant environment that will enhance the education of all students while maintaining the financial stability of the program.

Vision: To enhance the education of students through wholesome, nutritious and appealing meals.

Bertie County School Nutrition provides nutritionally balanced free meals to all students daily through the National School Lunch Program, National Breakfast Program, and Afterschool Program. Studies have proven that by eating healthy and nutritious meals, students perform better academically and socially.

We offer fresh NC-grown produce through the Farm to School Program.

To find out more about these partnerships, we invite parents to join our local Student Health Advisory Council. Please give me a call at (252) 794-6038 .



February NutraPlanet News

Experience the NutraPlanet Gazette

Volume19BlackBeanHeartK-6 (PDF)

Employee Spotlight #4


Roberta Smallwood. Our most veteran employee in School Nutrition. Employed since 1985, Roberta has a true passion for feeding the students of Bertie County. She affectionately calls every student her "baby". Her dedication and her knowledge of the program has been invaluable to the past and present staff. She is a legend in the district. Please congratulate her and show her some love on nearly 40 years of service.

Employee Spotlight #3

Mr. Expedito Dano began his employment in 2017, but his dedication and work ethic displays many years of service.  He is the School Nutrition Administrative Assistant and USDA Warehouse Technician.  It is his desire to grow the program financially and has a passion for serving the students of Bertie County.  Please congratulate him as he recently received his Bachelor’s Degree in Business. He keeps a positive outlook every day.

Bertie County Schools, in collaboration with the North Carolina Alliance for Health, School Meals for All NC, and A Better Chance, A Better Community (ABC2), was chosen as one of three school districts to participate in the Innovative Breakfast Initiative.

America's Healthiest School Award Winner 2024